中国老龄产业协会老龄旅游产业促进委员会与同程旅游近日联合发布了《中国中老年人旅游消费行为研究报告2016》。报告显示,人口老龄化为旅游市场带来了新的发展机遇,目前中老年旅游者(有旅游消费经历的50岁以上人群)成为旅游市场“有闲又有钱”的群体,该群体旅游消费意愿高达81.2%。在出游时间方面,中老年人群在出游时间的选择上明显集中在3、4、5及9、10五个月份;而在具体的出游时间节点的选择上,仅有不足2 0%的中老年受访者表示会在
China Association of Aging Industry Aging Industry Promotion Committee and Tongcheng Tourism jointly released the “Study Report on Travel Consumption of Chinese Middle-aged and Older Adults 2016”. The report shows that the aging population has brought new development opportunities for the tourism market. Currently, middle-aged and elderly tourists (people over 50 years old with tourism consumption experience) become the tourism market “leisurely and richly” groups, Willingness to travel up to 81.2%. In the travel time, the middle-aged and elderly population in the choice of travel time is clearly concentrated in the 3,4,5 and 9,10 five months; the choice of specific travel time nodes, only less than 20% of middle-aged Interviewees said they would be there