Compassion is the basis for understanding Hume’s emotional theory and moral theory. For Hume, compassion is not only a powerful principle of human nature but also a source of human moral feeling. In essence, and more precisely, it is inevitable that his philosophical thinking depends heavily on sympathy and empathy: the “sympathy” context of Britain in the 18th century and the history of British empiricism seeking idealistic experience Which determines the discussion and reliance on sympathy in Hume’s philosophical thinking. The task of Hume’s moral secularization under the natural law determines that he wants to use the sympathetic mechanism to reconcile the basis of human nature. The 18th century British sentiment As the origin of Hume’s philosophical thought, the author’s writings decided that he needed to use the sympathy mechanism to solve the problem of “other’s emotions ” so as to establish his ethics; the cognitive nature of Hume’s sympathy mechanism itself and the sympathy mechanism Plays the role of penetrating emotional theory and moral theory, and determines the need of sympathetic mechanism of Hume’s theory of human nature.