在京郊房山区霞云岭乡的堂上村,有一处旧居虽平淡无奇,但如今它已立碑撰志,成为人们接踵参观的革命传统教育基地。它,就是闻名中华大地的革命经典歌曲《没有共产党就没有新中国》的诞生之地。 1943年秋季,晋察冀边区群众剧社的曹火星同志,随剧社来到当时的平西区房涞涿县霞云岭乡堂上村深入生活,从事音乐创作,开展群众文艺活动,进行抗日宣传。当时,
In the village of Xianduling in Fangshan District in Beijing suburbs, there is an old house that is bland but now it has been inscribed on the monument and becomes the revolutionary traditional education base to be visited one after another. It is the birthplace of the revolutionary classic song “The New China Without a Communist Party,” which is famous for its land in China. In the autumn of 1943, Comrade Cao Luoxing, a comrades in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border region, came to the village of Xiandun Village, Xiayunling Township, Fangxian County, Pingxi District at that time to engage in music, create literary activities, carry out anti-Japanese propaganda activities . then,