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艾滋病感染年轻化趋势使我国艾滋病防治面临全新挑战。初期艾滋病感染者的心理困境制约其生活适应和疾病治疗,是艾滋病防治的关键突破口。通过对5位19—35岁男同性恋初期艾滋病感染者的研究发现,初期艾滋病感染者的显著心理表现异中有同,其心理困境主要体现在:认知存在偏差且内化了社会歧视,存在诸多消极情感且情感支持面临障碍,产生逃避社会乃至自杀的行为倾向,不良的认知、情感与行为倾向之间存在交互作用。社会工作的介入路径包括:提供多元有效的信息支持,进行针对性的心理辅导,协助建立同伴支持网络,倡导形成无歧视的社会环境,促进完善公共服务体系。 The younger trend of AIDS infection makes AIDS prevention and control of our country face new challenge. The psychological predicament of the early AIDS-infected people restricts their life adaptation and disease treatment, and is a key breakthrough in AIDS prevention and control. Through the study of five HIV-positive gay men and women aged 19-35 years, it is found that the significant psychological manifestations of people with HIV / AIDS at the early stage are different from each other. The psychological predicament is mainly reflected in the existence of bias in cognition and the internalization of social discrimination Many negative emotions and emotional support face obstacles, resulting in behavior to escape social and even suicidal tendencies, bad cognition, emotional and behavioral tendencies exist between the interaction. Intervention path of social work includes providing multiple and effective information support, carrying out targeted psychological counseling, helping to establish a peer support network, advocating a non-discriminatory social environment and promoting the improvement of the public service system.
【摘要】近年来,伴随着广泛使用的因特网等科技的进步发展,社会发生了翻天覆地的变化,同时也影响到市场营销的思维与操作。本文主要探讨网络环境的服务营销策略创新。  【关键词】网络环境;服装营销;策略  【中图分类号】G250.72 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)08-0148-02  在我国,服装行业属于紧跟时代步伐,流行影响力很大的行业,迫切需要接受最新的反馈信息,并将