汉语方言语法研究已经有了一个可喜的开局 ,目前正在以强劲的势头迈进一个由冷转热、由点及面、由浅入深的新阶段 ,当前亟需解决使用什么方法、采用什么体系的理论问题。历史经验表明 ,建立一个什么样的理论 ,用什么标准来评价这个理论 ,对学科的发展具有极为重要的导向作用。本文将提出这一问题 ,并以适用性、通用性、便捷性试作抛砖引玉之答 ,以期引起方言语法学界的关注和讨论。
There has been a welcome start in the study of Chinese dialect grammar. At present, it is taking a strong momentum to move forward with a new phase from cold to heat, from point to surface and from shallow to deep. At present, what kind of method and theory should be adopted? problem. Historical experience shows that what kind of theory should be established and what criteria should be used to evaluate this theory will play an extremely important guiding role in the development of disciplines. This article will raise this issue, and try to make suggestions on applicability, versatility and convenience in order to arouse the attention and discussion of dialect grammar scholars.