改革开放 2 0多年来 ,中国企业海外投资发展迅速。其主要特征 :(1)投资的领域以服务贸易和工业生产加工为主 ;(2 )投资主要分布在港澳地区 ,平均投资规模较小 ;(3 )海外投资以合资合作为主 ;(4 )投资动因以出口创汇和资源开发为主。目前 ,中国企业面临入世带来的新机遇和挑战 ,要在新的国际分工格局中占据有利地位 ,中国必须充分利用本国外汇储备充足并拥有一批具有一定技术实力和国际竞争力的企业的优势 ,努力加快拓展海外市场。
Over the past 20 years since the reform and opening up, the overseas investment of Chinese enterprises has been developing rapidly. Its main features are as follows: (1) The investment is mainly in the areas of service trade and industrial production and processing; (2) The investment is mainly distributed in Hong Kong and Maucao regions with the average investment being small; (3) The overseas investment is dominated by joint ventures and cooperation; (4) Investment motivation to export-oriented and resource-based development. At present, Chinese enterprises are faced with new opportunities and challenges brought about by joining the WTO and they must occupy a favorable position in the new pattern of international division of labor. China must make full use of the advantages of having ample foreign exchange reserves and possessing a group of enterprises with certain technological capabilities and international competitiveness , And strive to accelerate the expansion of overseas markets.