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期权也称选择权,它是一种契约,其持有人有权利在未来一段时间内(或未来某一特定日期),以一定价格向对方购买或出售特定标的物,但没有必然要买卖的义务。因此,期权是一种单方面的权利义务关系,其权利方和义务方分别是期权的买主和卖主。期权作为一种衍生金融商品,上 An option is also called an option, and it is a contract whose holder has the right to buy or sell a particular subject matter to a partner at a price for some time to come (but not necessarily necessarily traded on a particular date in the future) obligation. Therefore, the option is a unilateral rights and obligations, the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller respectively. Options as a derivative of financial products
近日,《舌尖上的中国》火了!俗话说得好:“民以食为天。”天大的事,自然分外讲究,于是便有了名闻天下的“八大菜系”。其实,我们倒不妨穿越到三国时期,看看英雄们的舌尖上都迷恋些啥?  曹操“吃以致用”  曹操酷爱吃青梅,他和刘备“青梅煮酒论英雄”便是明证。难能可贵的是,他还能“吃以致用”。《三国志》记载:“魏武行役,失汲道,军皆渴,乃令曰‘前有大梅林,饶子,甘酸,可以解渴’,士卒闻之,口皆出水。”由此