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8月是桉叶油传统淡季,桉叶未进入采收季,市场桉叶油存货量少,交易平淡。上半年我国桉叶油出口4 473吨,比去年同期3 287吨增长36.07%,上半年平均出口综合均价为9.02美元/kg(合61.2元人民币/kg),同比增长38.37%。今年桉叶油素出口价格也呈现平稳上涨的态势,后市粗油收购价格持续上涨将进一步带动桉叶油素价格上涨。 August is eucalyptus oil traditional off-season, eucalyptus leaves did not enter the harvest season, the market eucalyptus oil stocks less, the transaction flat. Eucalyptus oil exports of 4 473 tons in the first half of this year were 36.07% higher than the 3 287 tons of the same period of last year. The average average export price in the first half of 2009 was 9.02 U.S. dollars / kg (61.2 yuan / kg), an increase of 38.37% over the same period of last year. Eucalyptol oil export prices this year also showed a steady upward trend, the market outlook, rising oil prices continue to rise will further promote the eucalyptus oil prices.
小时候的事情,经过时间的冲刷,很多都淡忘了。但有些事一直留在记忆深处,让我在后来的日子里时时怀念……  那一年,我六岁了,不再是被抱在手里的小宝宝,已经是小学生了。一天,我和小伙伴在我家大院子里玩追逐的游戏。很不凑巧,我不小心踩到了奶奶放在地上的菜篮子。我向前一扑,摔了个狗啃泥。那时正是夏天,我穿着短裙,我的膝盖在水泥地上擦破了皮,血不断地往外流。我感到一阵钻心的疼痛,顿时大声哭了起来,想引起妈妈