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美术学科是初中教育阶段的基础课程之一,开设这门课程的意义在于培养学生审美意识、引导正确的审美观,同时也可以为想在美术方面有长远发展的学生打下良好基础。从某种意义上来说,这门课程的重要性并不低于语数外这些主要科目,所以提高初中美术课堂的教学效率是十分重要的。本文将针对如何提高初中美术课堂效率作出分析,并提出几点策略。 The art discipline is one of the basic courses in the junior middle school education stage. The purpose of this course is to cultivate the students’ aesthetic awareness, guide the correct aesthetic view, and lay a good foundation for the students who want to have long-term development in fine arts. In a sense, the importance of this course is not lower than that of the main subjects except language. Therefore, it is very important to improve the teaching efficiency of art classes in junior high schools. This article will analyze how to improve the efficiency of junior middle school art classrooms and put forward some strategies.