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审题,顾名思义就是对题目的含义进行分析、研究,从而正确地把握问题、理解题意、明确题目要求等。审题能力直接影响学生成绩的提高。因此培养学生的审题习惯,提高分析能力对培养学生的解题能力尤为重要。为此,我总结了以下三点经验:一、认真阅读教材2013年高考某选择题中选项:破伤风芽孢杆菌只能进行无氧呼吸。很多学生看了之后都有似曾相识的感觉,但又确定不了是对是错。而这句话的出处就在教材中的小字部分。因此,在日常教学中我们一定要高度重视教材。比如在课前布置学生预习新课,了解 Exam topics, as the name suggests is to analyze the meaning of the title, research, and thus correctly grasp the problem, understand the problem, clear the subject requirements. Scrutiny ability directly affect the improvement of student achievement. Therefore, cultivating students ’practice of examining questions and improving their analytical ability are particularly important for cultivating students’ ability to solve problems. To this end, I summed up the following three points of experience: First, read the textbook 2013 college entrance examination of a choice of options: tetanus bacillus only anaerobic respiration. Many students have seen deja vu feeling, but it is not right or wrong. The source of this sentence is in the text of the small part. Therefore, we must attach great importance to teaching materials in daily teaching. For example, arrange the students to preview a new class before class to understand
1 病例资料患者,男性,2-43岁,在家人不注意时,误将6片地芬酯片吞服,患儿父母发现后,于1998年5月9日急忙送入我院。查体:体温36-5℃,神志恍惚,呼之不应。口唇及四枝末稍青紫,呼吸不规则,呈叹息样呼吸,9次/分
目的 为探讨哮喘患者体内T淋巴细胞和Eo 的激活程度。方法 选择血清白细胞介素(IL)- 5、可溶性白细胞介素2 受体(SIL-2R) 、嗜酸细胞阳离子蛋白(ECP)作为其活性指标进行检测。结果 30 例哮喘患者中22