贯彻十六大精神 完善村民自治 健全村党组织领导的充满活力的村民自治机制——在全国农村基层民主法制建设电视电话会议上的讲话

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同志们:十年前,司法部、民政部等部门在山东省章丘联合召开了“依法治村、民主管理”的会议。今天,我们两个部门又联合召开电视电话会议。下面,我就贯彻落实党的十六大精神,完善村民自治,健全村党组织领导的充满活力的村民自治机制问题,讲三点意见。一、深入学习十六大 Comrades: Ten years ago, the ministries of justice and civil affairs jointly held a meeting entitled “Governing Villages by Law and Democracy,” in Zhangqiu County, Shandong Province. Today, we have a joint teleconference between our two departments. Now, on the matter of implementing the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC, perfecting the autonomy of villagers and perfecting the vigorous mechanism for self-government of villagers under the leadership of village Party organizations, I will make three observations. First, in-depth study of the 16th National Congress