2002年2月28日,冷雨霏霏,寒风四起。安徽省蚌埠市正遭遇一场“倒春寒”。 28日这一天,引人注目的原芜湖市市委常委、政法委书记周其东案在这个城市公开审理。经过长达一天半的庭审,蚌埠市中级法院当庭宣判,被告人周其东犯故意杀人罪、受贿罪、贪污罪,数罪并罚,判处死刑,剥夺政治权利终身,非法所得26万元予以追缴,并处没收个人财产20万元。周其东的另外4名同案犯,三人被判处死刑,一个被判无期徒刑。 5人被判重判,4颗人头即将落地,为的是一段纠缠了整整10年的灰色爱情……
February 28, 2002, cold rain started falling, cold wind everywhere. Bengbu City, Anhui Province is experiencing a “late spring cold.” On the 28th this day, the original standing committee of Wuhu Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Politics and Law Committee Zhou Qidong’s case attracted public attention in this city. After a day and a half courtroom trial, the Bengbu Intermediate People’s Court sentenced the defendant Zhou Qidong to intentional homicide, bribery, embezzlement and misconduct, sentenced him to death, deprived his political rights for a lifetime, and recovered the illegal gains of 260,000 yuan , And confiscate 200,000 yuan of personal property. Zhou Qidong’s other four accomplices, three were sentenced to death, one was sentenced to life imprisonment. 5 people sentenced to heavy sentence, 4 head is about to land for a period of 10 years of entangled gray love ... ...