为筛选在甘肃陇东地区适合‘长富2号’苹果生长的矮化中间砧,研究了10种不同矮化中间砧对‘长富2号’幼树树体生长特性及早花早果性的影响。2013年春季栽植矮化中间砧芽苗(‘长富2号’/10个不同中间砧/新疆野苹果),供试的矮化中间砧分别为‘M26’‘M9’‘T337’‘M7’‘JM7’‘SH1’‘SH6’‘SH38’‘SCI’‘辽砧2号’,定植行株距4 m×2 m,授粉品种‘金世纪’,细长纺锤形整形。以中间砧‘M26’为对照,试验采用随机区组设计。结果表明:以‘SH1’和‘SCI’为中间砧时,能有效地控制树体、提早开花结果,丰产性强,3年生‘长富2号’树体花序坐果率均在80%以上;3年生树平均单株产量均达5.0 kg,折合667 m2产量为416.69 kg;抗逆性和适应性优于‘M26’。上述2个中间砧和‘M26’可在甘肃陇东地区及类似生态区域推广应用。
In order to screen the dwarfing anvil suitable for the growth of ’Changfu No.2’ apple in Gansu Longdong region, the effects of 10 different dwarfing interstocks on the growth characteristics and the early flowering and early maturity of young seedlings of ’Changfu No.2’ influences. In the spring of 2013, dwarfing intermediate anvil seedlings (’Changfu 2’ / 10 different middle anvil / Xinjiang wild apple) were planted with dwarfing intermediate anvil as ’M26’’M9’’T337’’M7’ ’JM7’’SH1’’SH6’’SH38’’SCI’ ’Liao anvil 2’, planting plant spacing 4 m × 2 m, pollination varieties ’Golden Century’, elongated spindle-shaped plastic. The middle anvil ’M26’ as a control, the trial randomized block design. The results showed that when ’SH1’ and ’SCI’ were used as intermediate anvil, the tree could be controlled effectively and the flowering effect was prematurely achieved. The fruit yield of 3 - year ’Changfu No.2’ was more than 80%. The annual average yield per plant of three-year-old tree reached 5.0 kg, yielding a yield of 416.69 kg, equivalent to 667 m2. The resistance and adaptability were superior to that of ’M26’. The above two intermediate anvles and ’M26’ can be popularized and applied in Gansu Longdong and similar ecological regions.