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佘家嘴遗址隶属重庆市云阳县巴阳镇巴阳村,是三峡工程淹没区内的一处重要古文化遗址。2000年至2003年,厦门大学考古工作队先后5次对该遗址开展了大规模的抢救性考古工作,累计完成考古发掘10000余平方米,发现了商周、战国、汉至六朝、唐宋、明清等多个时期的文化遗存,以实物为载体再现了峡江地区数千年来的悠久文化。其中,商周时期文化遗存较为零散,出土遗物较为破碎,多为花边口沿器、尖底器、和圜底器,与峡江地区同时期文化面貌基本一致;战 Shejiazui site belongs to Bayan Village, Bayang Town, Yunyang County, Chongqing Municipality. It is an important ancient cultural site inundated by the Three Gorges Project. From 2000 to 2003, the archaeological team of Xiamen University carried out large-scale rescue archeological work on the site five times in succession, completing a total of over 10,000 square meters of archaeological excavations and found that the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the Warring States Period, the Han and the Six Dynasties, the Tang and Song Dynasties, Ming and Qing Dynasties and other cultural relics in many periods, in-kind as a carrier to reproduce the long river culture in the Xiajiang thousands of years. Among them, the Shang and Zhou Dynasties cultural relics are fragmented, more unearthed relics, mostly lace edge device, tip device, and 圜 bottom device, and the same period of the Xiajiang River culture is basically the same;
人们常说:“读万卷书,行万里路。”探访名人故居,追寻先贤足迹,不仅能开拓我们的视野,还能激发我们积极进取的精神。爱因斯坦、雨果、鲁迅等都是上个世纪了不起的人物,他们或在科学上,或在文学上,取得了杰出的成就,为后人所景仰。下面,就让我们循着三位作者的文字,一起去探访他们曾经生活过的地方……  追寻爱因斯坦的瑞士足迹  董仲舒  ①爱因斯坦是在德国出生的美国人,然而他最重要的作品《狭义相对论》,却是在