Mission Overview Task Background for the manned asteroid mission. The detector will depart from the Earth at any time between January 1, 2035 and December 31, 2065, within the specified window of time, assuming that the detector’s heliocentric position and velocity will be the same as the Earth within the allowable error range. 792 asteroids provided by the party randomly select two different objectives in turn meet.The rendezvous detector when the heliocentric position speed within the allowable error range and the rendezvous target the same residence time shall not be less than the minimum required dwell time 10d). From the moment when each asteroid leaves, the detectors release pre-life wastes (Note: Including the waste during the stay, all the consumables are converted to waste, calculated as 20kg / d.) From the second small When the planet departs, release asteroid detector quality 6.7t (1t = 1000kg). After detecting two asteroids