国家经贸委主任盛华仁表示 要推进经济结构战略性调整 国家经贸委主任盛华仁4月25日在“1999年中国企业高峰会”上说,在连续多年高速发展后,中国经济发展进入了加快技术进步、推动产业升级的结构调整时期。他指出,要从以下五个方面抓紧进行结构调整: ——调整产业结构。对纺织行业,我们确立了三年压缩淘汰1000万锭落后棉纺锭的目标,去年完成压缩512万锭,今年要再压缩450万锭。对煤炭行业,我们的目标是取缔和关闭非法和不合理生产的小煤矿2.58万处,压减产量2.5亿吨,这项工作力争今年完成。
Sheng Huaren, director of the State Economic and Trade Commission, said that it is necessary to promote the strategic readjustment of the economic structure Sheng Huaren, director of the State Economic and Trade Commission, said at the “1999 Summit of Chinese Enterprises” on April 25 that after years of rapid development, China’s economy has entered a phase of accelerating technological progress. Promote industrial restructuring period of structural adjustment. He pointed out that it is necessary to pay close attention to structural adjustment from the following five aspects: - To adjust the industrial structure. For the textile industry, we have set a goal of reducing and eliminating 10 million outdated cotton spindles in the past three years. Last year, we completed 5.12 million and weighed 4.5 million more this year. For the coal industry, our goal is to eliminate and close 25,800 small coal mines that are illegally and unreasonably produced and reduce the output by 250 million tons. This goal is to be completed this year.