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[唐]段安节《乐府杂录》①:善歌者,必先调其气②,氤氲③自脐间出,至喉乃噫④其词,即分抗坠之音⑤。既得其术,即可至遏云响谷之妙也⑥。[注释]:①段安节:唐代音乐家。临淄人,乾宁中官至朝议大夫,守国子司业。著有《乐府杂录》一卷。《乐府杂录》:又名《琵琶录》。约成书于唐昭宗乾宁元年(公元894年)后。笔记开元(公元713年)以后的乐部、歌舞、俳优、乐器、乐曲等,并记述了著名歌唱家和琵琶演奏家的故事。卷末附有《别乐识五 [Tang] Duan An Festival “folk music” ①: good singer, must first tone their gas ②, 氤 氲 ③ from the umbilical out to the larynx is 噫 ④ their words, that is, the sound of falling ⑤ ⑤. Acquired its surgery, you can go to the cloud Valley of magic also ⑥. [Note]: ① Duan section: Tang musician. Linzi people, dry Ning official to North Korea doctor, keep the country division. Author of “Yue Fu Miscellaneous” a roll. “Music House Miscellaneous”: aka “Pipa recorded.” About a book in Tang Zhao Zong dry first year (AD 894). Notes After the New Century (713 AD), the music department, song and dance, music, musical instruments, music, etc., and recorded the famous singer and pipa musician’s story. End of the volume with "Do not know music
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