1999~2001年,我院共收治脑血管畸形急性出血12例,治疗效果良好,现报告如下。 临床资料:本组男8例,女4例;年龄30~55岁,既往无高血压病史8例,情况不详4例。出血前有诱因2例(用力排便,情绪激动各1例)。发病前有癫痫、头痛、头部血管杂音、肢体乏力、麻木等症状者5例。7例无任何症状。均为急性发病,突然剧烈头痛,呕吐,失语,肢体瘫痪,继而昏迷。本组入院昏迷10例,其中有脑疝形成2例,意识朦胧2例。术前均诊断脑
From 1999 to 2001, our hospital received a total of 12 cases of acute cerebral hemorrhage of vascular malformations, the treatment effect is good, are as follows. Clinical data: The group of 8 males and 4 females; aged 30 to 55 years old, no previous history of hypertension in 8 cases, the situation is unknown in 4 cases. There are two predispositions before bleeding (forced defecation, emotional excitement in 1 case). Pre-onset epilepsy, headache, head vascular murmur, limb weakness, numbness and other symptoms in 5 cases. 7 patients without any symptoms. Are acute onset, sudden severe headache, vomiting, aphasia, limb paralysis, and then coma. The hospital admission coma in 10 cases, of which 2 cases of hernia formation, awareness of hazy in 2 cases. Preoperative diagnosis of brain