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在拉曼效应和参量放大共同作用下,当激光脉冲在双折射光纤中传输时,根据所遵循的耦合模方程,通过引入平行拉曼增益的洛伦兹模型,导出了当输入泵浦波偏振方向同双折射轴成45°角时,在双折射色散阶跃光纤中拉曼效应和参量放大共同作用所导致的增益,讨论并分析了在不同色散区增益谱随相关参量的变化。结果表明:由于拉曼效应、参量放大、双折射和色散的相互作用,导致增益谱的斯托克斯波与反斯托克斯波彼此不对称;在反常色散区,产生的增益以反斯托克斯波为主,在正常色散区则以斯托克斯波为主;当表征距离的级数m发生变化时,增益谱也随之发生变化,可以利用色散阶跃光纤在适当的级数m位置提取T频率脉冲。 Under the combination of Raman effect and parametric amplification, when the laser pulse is transmitted in the birefringent fiber, the Lorentzian model with parallel Raman gain is derived according to the coupled mode equation, The gain caused by the Raman effect and the parametric amplification in the birefringent dispersion step fiber when the direction is at a 45 ° angle to the birefringence axis, and the variation of the gain spectrum with the relevant parameters in different dispersion regions is discussed and analyzed. The results show that Stokes and anti-Stokes waves in the gain spectrum are asymmetric to each other due to Raman effect, parametric amplification, birefringence and chromatic dispersion. The gain in the anomalous dispersion region is calculated by the anti-Stokes Stokes-dominated, Stokes-wave dominated in the normal dispersion region. When the number of steps m characterizing the distance changes, the gain spectrum also changes with the use of dispersive step fiber in the appropriate order m position extraction T frequency pulse.
美国喜剧电影《刺杀金正恩》引发了美朝两国在网络上的攻防对决。实际上,在上世纪90年代,CIA曾向日本公安警察高层提出过毒杀朝鲜前任总书记金正日的设想。   以“金正日的厨师”闻名的藤本健二曾出版过《金正日的厨师——从近距离观察权力者的本色》等作品,公开了这名神秘领导人的部分内幕。   1982年以来,藤本健二多次往来于日本与朝鲜之间,成为了金正日总书记喜爱的厨师。1988年,他成为了总书记的专