喜读廖奔、刘彦君先生长达140多万宇的新著《中国戏曲发展史》(四卷本,山西教育出版社2000年版),我对20世纪的中国戏曲史学又有了更为完整的考量、更为正确的估计、更为切实的评价。 在刚刚过去的20世纪中,具备现代意义的中国戏曲史学得以正式建立。从此,中国戏剧史学从以往的曲话、曲品、杂论和概要中成长起来,形成了一门独立的戏曲史学。 一般认为,代表20世纪中国戏曲史学发展的里程碑式的成果有三项: 第一项是世纪初叶王国维的《宋元戏曲史》(商务印书馆1915年版)。此书的问世,标志着现代中国戏曲史研究有了科学、系统的开山之作。关于中国戏曲史的发展轮廓从此大体形成。王氏还从传统诗学中借鉴了意境的概念,从西方美学中引进了悲剧范畴,这就使得戏曲史研究展开了传统和西方相融合的两扇翅膀。
Listen to Liao Ben, Liu Yanjun up more than 140 million Yu’s new book “History of Chinese Opera Development” (four volumes, Shanxi Education Publishing House 2000 edition), I 20th Century Chinese opera history has a more complete Consideration, a more correct estimate, a more realistic evaluation. In the 20th century just passed, with the modern significance of the history of Chinese opera can be officially established. Since then, Chinese drama historiography grew up from the past melodies, songs, miscellaneous theories and synopses, forming an independent historical drama. It is generally believed that there are three landmark achievements that represent the development of the history of Chinese opera in the 20th century: The first is the “History of Song and Yuan Opera” by Wang Guowei in the early 21st century (Commercial Press, 1915). The advent of this book marks the history of modern Chinese opera has a scientific and systematic mountains. The general outline of the development of the history of Chinese opera. Wang also borrowed the concept of artistic conception from traditional poetics and introduced the category of tragedy from western aesthetics, which made the study of drama history start two wings of tradition and western integration.