去年深秋,南国天气已呈凉意,而岭南的文化艺术活动舞台上,却接二连三爆出“热点”新闻。 11月23日上午,五羊城的主要马路上出现了“音乐环城大巡游”的盛况,以表现“音乐与大自然”、“音乐与社会发展”为主题的10辆音乐彩车巡回羊城,揭开了’94广东国际广播音乐博览会的序幕。 就在同一天上午,被誉为“世界上最大书店”的广州购书中心举行开业庆典,成千上万的广州人涌向天河徜徉书河。
In the late autumn of last year, the weather in South China had shown a cool feeling, while on the stage of arts and cultural activities in Lingnan, “hot news” broke one after another. On the morning of November 23, a grand parade of music around the city was held on the main road of Wuyincheng City to tour 10 cities of Guangzhou with 10 music floats on the theme of “Music and Nature” and “Music and Social Development” Opened the ’94 Guangdong International Radio Music Expo prelude. On the very same morning, the opening ceremony was held at the Guangzhou Book Center, which was hailed as the “largest bookstore in the world.” Thousands of people in Guangzhou flock to the Tianhe River.