一见倾心 40多年过去了,青春婀娜的少女己是两鬓飘霜的老妇。然而,提起与丈夫约翰·尚多尔的初次邂逅,维多利亚·科丘罗娃仍然记忆犹新。 “1956年从外语学院毕业后,我被分到莫斯科宾馆外宾服务部工作。” “那是我第一天上班。一位高大挺拔、有着阿波罗般英俊面庞的美国男子走进屋来。他胸前耀眼夺目的钻石勋章令我眼前一亮。后来我才知道,这是美国政府授予军人的最高荣誉。” “他微笑着用英语向大家问好。不知为什么,我心里特别紧张,不住地祈祷:他可千万别和我说话,否则肯定会笑话我发音不准的……”
At first sight over 40 years later, young and graceful girl has been a couple of mistresses. However, recalling her first encounter with her husband, John Chandler, Victoria Cochiuova still remembered. “After graduating from the Foreign Languages Institute in 1956, I was assigned to the Guest Service Department of Moscow Hotel.” “That was my first day of work, and a tall, tall American man with a handsome Apollo came in. He I was shining brightly in front of the dazzling diamond medal on the chest and I later learned that it was the highest honor the military awarded to the military by the U.S. government. ”“ He smiled and said hello to everyone in English, and I was so nervous that I prayed, He can never talk to me, otherwise he will surely joke that I can not pronounce ... ”