【关键词】高中英语 情感态度 价值观 人教版
高中英语教材人教版必修三第一单元的Using language Reading and writing—A Sad Love Story 描述了中国情侣在西方情人节(Valentine’s Day)故事。由于在情人节没能交换礼物,男主人公Li Fang更因电视中国的七巧情人节牛郎与织女(A sad Chinese story about lost love)故事而伤感。为了衬托Li Fang的伤心,本节内容引用了中国古老的牛郎与织女的故事,其中织女在人间认识凡人牛郎并相爱,未与家人沟通便非法成婚,并生下一对儿女。最后因王母娘娘反对织女与牛郎结婚才受罚。今天众多中学生对此传统爱情故事并不熟悉,更不明白这它的真正寓意。此例欠妥,需要正确指导。
文章是以Li Fang 与女友HuJin未能在情人节约会有感而发,而传说的牛郎与织女应是支撑因故而异地相恋的故事更为贴切。故事与文中男主人公Li Fang 和女友HuJin的情节并无太多的共同之处,仅是比较牵强地把西方与中国两种不同文化的情人节拼凑一起,以便同时给学生输入语言知识与文化意识。
HuJin许诺和Li Fang在咖啡厅见面,但未如约,Li Fang就猜疑她和朋友们或在嘲笑他。“She could be with her friends right now laughing at him.” “He had looked forward to meeting her all day,and now he was alone with his roses and chocolates,like a fool. ” Li Fang越想越生气,断然扭头回家,“I guess HuJin doesn’t love me. I’ll just throw these flowers and chocolates away.I don’t want them to remind me of her.”So he did. 最后甚至扔掉情人节礼物——玫瑰花和巧克力。而HuJin依然拿着要送给Li Fang的情人节礼物,在茶馆痴痴等待。最后一段把问题抛给了Li Fang,也抛给了读者,“What would he do ?He had thrown away her Valentine’s gifts! She would never fogive him.This would not be a happy Valentine’s Day!”可以看出Li Fang認为礼物比见面重要!文中没有交待事先双方约会的地点,无法确定是谁走错地方。既使是HuJin的错,Li Fang也应该理解包容,而文中第一段“well,he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize. He would drown his sadness in coffee.”这本不是一个清醒的举动,而后更不应扔掉玫瑰花和巧克力。
两情若是相惜,HuJin应不计较Li Fang是否送她礼物,而Li Fang却十分在意。种种表现让读者认为是Li Fang记错地点,但在文中没有明确表述,让师生难以判断,影响的情感态度教育。若在文中增加结局,就能较好培养学生的情感价值观,例如:He didn’t think HuJin would love him any longer. His world was totally dark. However,to his surprise,HuJin ran to greet him with beautiful roses saying “Happy Valentine’s Day”. What should he do then? Would she forgive him?
Finally he was bravely honest with her. HuJin knew he had made a mistake about the place to meet. HuJin forgave him,“Honesty is the best policy. You have given me a priceless gift today. ”The couple stared at each other and laughed. They loved each other much better.
【关键词】高中英语 情感态度 价值观 人教版
高中英语教材人教版必修三第一单元的Using language Reading and writing—A Sad Love Story 描述了中国情侣在西方情人节(Valentine’s Day)故事。由于在情人节没能交换礼物,男主人公Li Fang更因电视中国的七巧情人节牛郎与织女(A sad Chinese story about lost love)故事而伤感。为了衬托Li Fang的伤心,本节内容引用了中国古老的牛郎与织女的故事,其中织女在人间认识凡人牛郎并相爱,未与家人沟通便非法成婚,并生下一对儿女。最后因王母娘娘反对织女与牛郎结婚才受罚。今天众多中学生对此传统爱情故事并不熟悉,更不明白这它的真正寓意。此例欠妥,需要正确指导。
文章是以Li Fang 与女友HuJin未能在情人节约会有感而发,而传说的牛郎与织女应是支撑因故而异地相恋的故事更为贴切。故事与文中男主人公Li Fang 和女友HuJin的情节并无太多的共同之处,仅是比较牵强地把西方与中国两种不同文化的情人节拼凑一起,以便同时给学生输入语言知识与文化意识。
HuJin许诺和Li Fang在咖啡厅见面,但未如约,Li Fang就猜疑她和朋友们或在嘲笑他。“She could be with her friends right now laughing at him.” “He had looked forward to meeting her all day,and now he was alone with his roses and chocolates,like a fool. ” Li Fang越想越生气,断然扭头回家,“I guess HuJin doesn’t love me. I’ll just throw these flowers and chocolates away.I don’t want them to remind me of her.”So he did. 最后甚至扔掉情人节礼物——玫瑰花和巧克力。而HuJin依然拿着要送给Li Fang的情人节礼物,在茶馆痴痴等待。最后一段把问题抛给了Li Fang,也抛给了读者,“What would he do ?He had thrown away her Valentine’s gifts! She would never fogive him.This would not be a happy Valentine’s Day!”可以看出Li Fang認为礼物比见面重要!文中没有交待事先双方约会的地点,无法确定是谁走错地方。既使是HuJin的错,Li Fang也应该理解包容,而文中第一段“well,he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize. He would drown his sadness in coffee.”这本不是一个清醒的举动,而后更不应扔掉玫瑰花和巧克力。
两情若是相惜,HuJin应不计较Li Fang是否送她礼物,而Li Fang却十分在意。种种表现让读者认为是Li Fang记错地点,但在文中没有明确表述,让师生难以判断,影响的情感态度教育。若在文中增加结局,就能较好培养学生的情感价值观,例如:He didn’t think HuJin would love him any longer. His world was totally dark. However,to his surprise,HuJin ran to greet him with beautiful roses saying “Happy Valentine’s Day”. What should he do then? Would she forgive him?
Finally he was bravely honest with her. HuJin knew he had made a mistake about the place to meet. HuJin forgave him,“Honesty is the best policy. You have given me a priceless gift today. ”The couple stared at each other and laughed. They loved each other much better.