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本文采用文献计量分析法,对我国课堂教学行为研究的论文(2004—2013)进行统计分析,结果表明:(1)我国课堂教学行为的研究文献数量逐年上涨并趋于稳定;(2)课堂教学行为研究的作者群比较分散,核心作者群还没有形成;(3)在研究热点上,课堂教学行为研究主要集中在中等教育领域并结合新课程改革。 This paper uses bibliometric analysis method to analyze the dissertation (2004-2013) on classroom teaching behavior in our country. The results show that: (1) the number of research papers on classroom teaching behavior in our country has been rising year by year and tends to be stable; (2) The author group of behavioral research is relatively scattered, and the core author group has not yet formed; (3) In the research hot spot, the research of classroom teaching behavior mainly concentrates on the field of secondary education and combines with the new curriculum reform.
一个党员,就是一面旗帜;一个楷模,就是一座灯塔。阎肃一生红心向党、追梦筑梦、德艺双馨,以一片丹心、一腔热血、一身正气,为信仰而歌、为时代放歌、为强军高歌。65年从艺之路为党执笔写意,62载军旅生涯为兵抒情咏怀,谱写了1000多首催人奋进的时代赞歌,打造了100多部永不褪色的红色经典,一个又一个有筋骨、有道德、有温度的精品佳作,荡涤着一代又一代中国人的灵魂,激励着一茬又一茬空军人奋进。  阎肃的一生