不驯服的棕色长发随风起舞,深邃的蓝眼睛闪耀着不羁的光芒,笔直修长的双腿以及驯鹿般矫捷的身姿,布拉德·皮特似乎天生就是为银幕而造就的。 1990年皮特在影片《塞尔玛和路易斯》中首次亮相。尽管出镜仅14分钟,却仍有成千上万的妇女涌入影院只为一睹他迷人的风采。 然而仅凭俊朗的面庞和挺拔的身
Unconditional brown hair dancing in the wind, deep blue eyes shining uninhibited light, straight slender legs and reindeer agile posture, Brad Pitt seems to be born for the screen created. Peter made his debut in the film “Selma and Louis” in 1990. Despite the appearance of only 14 minutes, there are still tens of thousands of women into the theater only to see his charming style. However, only handsome face and tall and straight body