为研究核心单元开孔对屈曲约束支撑减震性能的影响,检测端部套箍对抑制支撑端部变形的有效性,设计了4个不同开孔形式的开孔钢板装配式屈曲约束支撑试件,进行低周反复加载试验和受力性能分析。研究结果表明:4个试件的滞回性能稳定、滞回曲线饱满、耗能能力强;拉、压不均匀系数最大为1.25,拉、压承载力对称性良好;累积塑性变形能力参数均能达到1 300以上,说明试件具有较好的累积塑性变形能力;试件的各项疲劳性能指标均满足JGJ 297—2013《建筑消能减震技术规程》的要求;端部套箍能够限制支撑端部变形;核心单元开孔后能使支撑较早进入塑性耗能阶段,降低核心单元与外约束单元之间的摩擦力,增加屈曲约束支撑的累积塑性变形能力。
In order to study the effect of core hole on the damping performance of buckling restrained brace and to test the effectiveness of the end ferrule on restraining the deformation of brace end, four specimens with different open form were designed for the buckling restrained brace , Low cycle repeated loading test and force performance analysis. The results show that the hysteretic behavior of the four specimens is stable, the hysteresis curve is full, and the energy dissipation capacity is strong. The maximum coefficient of non-uniformity of tension and pressure is 1.25, and the symmetry of bearing capacity of tension and compression is good. The cumulative plastic deformation capacity Reached more than 1 300, indicating that the specimen has a good cumulative plastic deformation capacity; fatigue properties of the specimen meet the requirements of JGJ 297-2013 “Building Energy Absorption Technical Requirements”; end of the cuff can limit the support End deformation of the core unit; the opening of the core unit enables the support to enter the stage of plastic energy dissipation earlier, reduces the friction force between the core unit and the outer constraining unit, and increases the cumulative plastic deformation capacity of the buckling restraint support.