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文章介绍了银川四幼党支部结合党员队伍实际,科学合理地设置功能型党小组,以“五服务”为载体,在幼儿园园内、社区以及民办园积极开展形式多样的实践活动,探索出以“功能型党小组”形式开展服务的工作方式,进一步拓宽党组织服务功能,使党支部更好地贴近群众、联系群众、服务群众。 The article introduces the branch of Yinchuan four youngest party combined with the actual situation of party members, set up scientific and rational functional party groups to “five services ” as a carrier in kindergartens, community and private park to actively carry out various forms of practical activities to explore The work style of carrying out services in the form of “functional party groups” should be further expanded to serve the party organizations so that the party branches can better approach the masses, connect the masses and serve the masses.
摘 要:中国旅游事业的蓬勃发展,而外语类导游紧缺,这对于中高职旅游专业的学生来说是个很好的就业机会,因此旅游专业的学生应该注重在英语能力方面的锻炼,努力提高自身使用英语的能力,为自己今后的工作的发展打好基础。本文分析了现在旅游专业学生在英语学习中存在的一些问题,并提出了相关的对策,以帮助学生在英语学习上有所进步。  关键词:中高职;旅游专业;地方特色;导游英语  中图分类号:G712 文献标识码: