Purpose: To study the effect of human IFN-r on in vitro cultured human fibroblasts from Tenon’s capsuleMaterials and methods: The effect of different concentrations of human IFN-r and mitomycin-C (MMC), 5-fluorouracil (5-Fu) on cultured human Tenon’s capsule fibroblasts (HTCF) was measured using a MTT [3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazo-2-yl)] -2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; Thiazolyl blue) colorimetric assay. The results were analyzed using ANOVA of the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) 9. 0 version. The difference was considered to be significant if P < 0. 05. Results: The effects of MMC and 5-Fu on the growth of HTCF were negative, while the effects of IFN-r on tne growth of HTCF were both negative (102 - 104 units/ml in two experiments) and positive (106, 105, 10 units/ml in two experiments) . The inhibition rate of MMC ranged from 5. 73% to 46. 9%, which was similar to the inhibition rate of 5-Fu ranged from 12. 49% to 38. 92% ( P = 0. 351) . The inhibition rate of IFN-’Y in two experiments was
Purpose: To study the effect of human IFN-r on in vitro cultured human fibroblasts from Tenon’s capsule Materials and methods: The effect of different concentrations of human IFN-r and mitomycin-C (MMC), 5-fluorouracil (5-Fu) on cultured human Tenon’s capsule fibroblasts (HTCF) was measured using a MTT [3- (4,5-dimethylthiazo-2-yl)] - 2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; Thiazolyl blue) colorimetric assay. The results were analyzed using ANOVA of the Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) 9. 0 version. The difference was considered to be significant if P <0.05. Results: The effects of MMC and 5-Fu on the growth of HTCF were negative, while the effects of IFN -r on tne growth of HTCF were both negative (102 - 104 units / ml in two experiments) and positive (106, 105, 10 units / ml in two experiments). The inhibition rate of MMC ranged from 5.73% to 46 . 9%, which was similar to the inhibition rate of 5-Fu ranged from 12. 49% to 38. 92% (P = 0. 351). The inhibition rate of IFN- ’ wo experiments was