1976年,美国纽约现代美术馆(Mo MA)举办了威廉·埃格尔斯顿彩色摄影展,这一展览标志着彩色摄影正式被美术馆接纳,并开启了彩色摄影步入美术馆收藏序列的大门。《卡迪拉克系列》是威廉·埃格斯顿拍摄于1966年-1971年之间的作品。画面中这些日常生活的平庸并非是现实主义的纪实摄影,午后布满常春藤的古树,废弃的贴满广告贴的店面、生锈的凯迪拉克汽车,这一切都充满了诗意般不同寻常的美感。
In 1976, Mo Egels of William Moor held a Color Photography Exhibition of William Egelson, which marked the formal acceptance of color photography by art galleries and the opening of the color photography into the collection of art galleries door. The Cadillac Collection is a work by Wilhelm Egeston from 1966 to 1971. The mediocrity of these daily lives in the picture is not realist documentary photography, the afternoon covered with ivy trees, abandoned ad posted store, rusty Cadillac cars, all this is full of poetic unusual beauty .