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自动喷水灭火系统保护着人们的生命和财产安全,我们都不希望喷头受损而影响它的有效工作,面对防不胜防的人为损坏因素该如何对其进行保护呢?每年都有许多喷头受损或因一些事故遭遇不测,甚至被蓄意破坏。种种情况导致的结果就是我们所不期望出现的误喷现象,上千升的水因误喷被释放出来,造成不必要的财产损失并且还会引起附近居民的恐慌。误喷将使建筑内的运营工作长时间中断,算上商业运作的停滞或临时搬家和住房费用,损失是巨大的。 Sprinkler system to protect people’s lives and property safety, we do not want to damage the nozzle affect its effective work, in the face of impossible to prevent damage to the human factor how to protect it? Each year many of the nozzle damage Or because of some accidents encountered unexpected or even sabotage. The result of all these circumstances is the erroneous spray that we would not expect to see. Thousands of liters of water are released due to misinterpretation, causing unnecessary property damage and causing panic among nearby residents. Errors will cause long interruptions of operations in the building, accounting for the stagnation of commercial operations or temporary moving and housing costs, the loss is enormous.
现在的孩子理解“窝头就咸菜”很困难,但接受“复制器官”却很容易;让他们背诵几首古诗很容易,但让他们理解古人的心境、语境,就没那么简单了。这位父亲苦思良久。  围绕着高科技的话题,我和7岁多的儿子露露之间经常发生许多不着边际的对话。一次谈到基因工程的时候,露露说:“我希望能复制几个自己的器官。第一要多一个眼球,这个眼球可以像眼镜一样戴上去摘下来。我出去玩的时候把它放在课本前读书,我玩回来了把眼球一换