1991年12月21日至24日,中国设备管理协会在西安召开全国数控机床维修和技术改造经验交流会。机电部、航空航天部、北方工业总公司、船舶工业总公司、冶金部、中汽总公司等行业70多名代表参加了会议。 会议交流了数控机床维修和技术改造经验及信息,研讨了进一步加强的措施。会议收到28篇交流材料,红旗机械厂、南京汽轮机厂、杭州汽轮机厂等12个单位在会上交流了经验。 当前数控机床维修、改造具有以下特点:一是各行业加强了进口数控设备的管理。如机电部1980年以来进口数控机床5200台、加工中心840台,1989年部颁发了《机械电
From December 21 to December 24, 1991, the China Equipment Management Association held a national conference on the maintenance of CNC machine tools and the exchange of experience in technological transformation in Xi’an. More than 70 representatives from industries such as the Electromechanical Department, the Aerospace Department, the North Industries Corporation, the Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, the Ministry of Metallurgy and the China National Automobile Industry Corporation attended the meeting. The meeting exchanged experience and information on the maintenance and technological transformation of CNC machine tools and discussed further measures for further strengthening. The conference received 28 communication materials. 12 units including Hongqi Machinery Plant, Nanjing Steam Turbine Plant and Hangzhou Steam Turbine Factory exchanged experiences at the meeting. The current maintenance and transformation of CNC machine tools have the following features: First, various industries have strengthened the management of imported CNC equipment. For example, the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Industry imported 5,200 CNC machine tools and 840 machining centers since 1980. In 1989, the Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Affairs issued