How should advertisers see the market? Looking at the market in China does not focus on the status quo; it does not look at the phenomenon; it does not look at the present; it looks at the changes, the reasons, and the possibilities for the future. Because China’s market is changed in a year. This is why “cheese” became the first commercial fashion term in the 21st century. Second, from the advertising, our industry to see the market. Because advertising is the manifestation of the competition of various brands, there is much learning to look at. Again, from the consumer point of view. Each industry has its own knowledge of marketing, but the core is still in the minds and hands of consumers. This view may not explain the current situation of the market, but the accuracy in the medium and long term is very high. Finally, from the perspective of other industries, marketing strategies and market changes tend to have similarities in all walks of life. Enlightenment from other industries