2013年12月25日5时50分,正在南极执行科考任务的中国“雪龙”号破冰船收到澳大利亚海上搜救中心电话:一艘载有52名乘客的俄罗斯科考船“绍卡利斯基院士”号在南极附近海域被浮冰困住,两座冰山正向其漂移,情况危急,请求“雪龙”号前往遇险地点施救.“雪龙”号从600海里外驰援并成功救出被困52名乘客后,由于受到复杂海冰和水文气象条件的影响,自身也被困于密集浮冰区,部分浮冰厚达3 m~4m,“雪龙”号时刻面临被浮冰倾覆,或被冰山撞沉的危险.经过国家多部门的紧急协同配合和“雪龙”号周密的突围工作准备,终于在2014年1月7日成功冲出密集浮冰区,胜利突围.这一事件引发人们对破冰船的关注:破冰船与普通船有何不同?破冰船是如何破冰的?破冰船的威力
At 0550 hours on December 25, 2013, the “Snow Dragon” icebreaker carrying out expedition tasks in Antarctica received the call from the Australian Maritime Search and Rescue Center: a Russian scientific research vessel carrying 52 passengers Callisto “in the waters near Antarctica was flooded ice, two icebergs are drifting towards it, the situation is critical, request ” Snow Dragon “to the distress site rescue. ” Snow Dragon “ Since the rescue from 600 nautical miles and the successful rescuing of 52 passengers trapped in the ice-flooded area due to the complicated sea ice and hydro-meteorological conditions, some of the ice floes are as thick as 3 m to 4 m Dragon ”is facing the danger of being overturned by ice floes or being hit by an iceberg. After the emergency coordination and multi-departmental emergency preparation work of the state and preparations for thoroughgoing breakthrough of the“ Snow Dragon ”, it finally succeeded on January 7, 2014 Out of intensive ice-floe area, the victory broke out.This incident triggered people’s attention on the icebreaker: icebreaker and ordinary boat What is the icebreaker icebreaker? Icebreaker power