本期调查为“女摄影记者调查”结果的第二部分,调查问题如下: 1.作为女摄影记者,要以手中的相机反映我们这个伟大时代,您怎样认识自身的优势和劣势?您最擅长拍哪些方面的照片? 2.请简述一次您最难忘的摄影采访经历,说说成功的经验或失败的教训。 3.您在关注哪些摄影理论问题?对新闻摄影界什么热点问题的争议比较关心,您是否介入? 4.您在新闻摄影实践中常碰到哪些问题,有什么思考?所遇到的困难是否已找到解决的答案? 5.您怎样看待摄影记者的理性思维、形象思维、知识积累?怎样提高动笔能力?您认为这些对拍好照片有怎样的作用? 6.女同志从事新闻摄影这个有特殊要求的职业,需要顽强和毅力,需要处理好一些关系,解决好一些实际困难和问题,对此,您有哪些感触?
The current survey is the second part of the survey of Female Photojournalists. The survey questions are as follows: 1. As a female photojournalist, how do you know your strengths and weaknesses in the hands of the camera? How best do you know your strengths and weaknesses? What kind of photos do you take? 2. Briefly describe your most memorable photo interview experience, and tell the story of successful experience or failure. 3. What are the theoretical issues you are focusing on photography? Are you concerned about the hot issues in the photojournalism industry? Are you intervened? 4. What problems do you encounter in the practice of photojournalism? What are the difficulties encountered? Find the solution to the problem? 5. How do you think of the photo reporter’s rational thinking, image thinking, knowledge accumulation? How to improve the ability to work? What do you think these are good photos? 6. Lesbian engaged in news photography this has special requirements Career needs tenacious and perseverance, need to handle some relationships, to solve some of the practical difficulties and problems, which you feel?