
来源 :中国农技推广 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xcwindd
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近期以来,江南华南地区正处于早稻收获、晚稻移栽的“双抢”大忙时节。受前期阶段性低温和阴雨寡照天气影响,早稻收获推迟5~7天,导致晚稻栽插期普遍推迟,超秧龄现象较为突出,移栽后分蘖能力减弱,增加了后期遭遇“寒露风”的风险。加之今年长时间、大范围洪涝灾害,病虫害可能加重发生。针对当前晚稻生产形势,农业部水稻专家指导组会同全国农业技术推广服务中心制定了南方双季晚稻田 Recently, southern China in southern Jiangnan is now in the heyday of early rice harvesting and late rice transplanting. Affected by the pre-stage low temperature and rainy weather, harvesting of early rice was postponed for 5 ~ 7 days, resulting in the delay of late rice planting, the prominent phenomenon of super seedling age, the weakened tillering ability after transplanting, risks of. In addition, this year a long time, a wide range of floods, pests and diseases may increase. In response to the current late rice production situation, the Ministry of Agriculture Rice Expert Steering Group in conjunction with the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center developed the southern double crop late rice