干在实处无止境 走在前列谋新篇——写在“十二五”收官之际

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又一个“五年”的探索实践,为砥砺奋进的浙江标注清晰生动的前进里程;又一个“五年”的辉煌成就,不断推动浙江经济社会发展迈向成熟与自信。五年,不过历史长河中的短短一瞬,却留下了浙江发展史上的深深印记。我们所经历的、所奋斗的、所收获的,正在化成一块块基石,铺展在建设全面小康社会的光辉道路上。这五年,省委、省政府坚持以“四个全面”战略布局为统领,以“八八战略”为总纲,坚持一张蓝图绘到底,踏踏实实努力干,不争论、不松劲、不停步,把 Another “five years” of exploration and practice for the Zhejiang Province, forging ahead and marking a clear and vivid forward mileage; another “five years ” brilliant achievements, continue to promote Zhejiang’s economic and social development toward maturity and self-confidence. Five years, but a brief moment in history, but left a deep imprint in the history of Zhejiang. What we have been experiencing, struggling and gaining is being transformed into a cornerstone of the masses and spreading on the glorious road of building an overall well-to-do society. In the past five years, the provincial party committee and the provincial government adhere to the “four comprehensive” strategic layout as the guideline and the “eighty-eight strategy” as the general outline, insisting on a blueprint for the end, working steadfastly and without argument, Not hard, do not stop, put
摘要:建筑工程施工项目施工成本控制贯穿工程实施的全过程,其控制与管理效果直接影响项目控制目标和企业效益。本文结合笔者多年建筑项目工程造价控制与管理实践经验。详细分析探讨了建筑工程项目成本控制的内容、特点及主要控制措施,并进行了具体总结。  关键词:建筑工程;成本控制;优化组织设计;  Abstract: building construction project construction cost
摘要:施工现场是项目管理的重要场所,项目部对施工现场管理的好坏直接影响项目的收益和利润点,抓好技术管理、材料控制、安全文明施工等环节,就可以使项目受控,全面实现合同目的,为用户建造满意工程,为企业创品牌、树形象,提高项目管理人员的项目管理水平。  关键词:项目管理;施工准备;过程控制;材料质量;风险控制  Abstract: The construction site is an importan