中央人民政府政務院於六日命令公佈一九五一年七月十三日政務院第九十三次政務會議通過的“關於改善各級學校學生健康状况和决定”,全文如下: 目前全國各級學校的學生健康不良的状况,頗爲嚴重。許多學校由於功課過重,社團活動過多,加以伙食管理不盡得法,衛生工作注意不够,致影響了學生的身體健康。這種情况必須加以改變。應該指出:增進學生身體健康,乃是保證學生完成學習任務,並培養出有強健體魄的現代青年的重大任務之一。各級人民政府教育行政部門及各級學校教职員必須嚴肅注意這一問題,立即糾正忽视學生健康的思想和對學生健康不負責任的態度,切實改善各級學校的學生健康状况。爲此特作如下决定:
The Central People’s Government’s government affairs office ordered the promulgation of the “Notice on Improving the Health Conditions and Decisions of Students at All Levels of Schools” passed by the 93rd State Council Meeting of the State Council on July 13, 1951 as follows: At present, all levels of schools in the country Poor health status of students, quite serious. In many schools, due to excessive schoolwork, excessive community activities, inadequate dietary management and inadequate attention to hygiene, the students’ health is affected. This situation must be changed. It should be pointed out that improving students’ health is one of the major tasks of ensuring that students fulfill their learning tasks and cultivate a modern and healthy physique. The educational administrations at all levels of government and school staff at all levels must pay close attention to this issue, immediately correct the neglect of student health and irresponsible attitude toward student health, and earnestly improve the health status of students at all levels of schools. For this special make the following decision: