Amadeus Grabau IN MEMORIUM

来源 :中国地质学会志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tcjzy
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It was with pain and grieved emotion that I received the news of Professor Amadeus Grabau’s decease some time ago; and I felt, deeply and warmly, that I had lost a real and faithful friend, one who had been close to me in bright and gloomy periods for very many years. Around his bier were assembled in sorrow It was with pain and grieved emotion that I received the news of Professor Amadeus Grabau’s decease some time ago; and I felt, deeply and warmly, that I had lost a real and faithful friend, one who had been close to me in bright and gloomy periods for very many years. Around his bier were assembled in sorrow
改革开放三十年来,变化最大的无疑是经济体制。而经济体制变化的主要标志,就是私营经济的从“无”到“有”, 从“有”到“大”——或许,现在还很难说“强”。但无论如何,私营
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本文作者根据多年英浯教学经验,在教学方法上重视对学生能力的培养。利用学生手中的工具书(字典),采取以“教师为主导,学生为主体”的教学原则进行单词教学已初见成效。 Acc
The lithology of the Carboniferous of eastern Yunnan is highly varied,vertical and horizontal changes of facies being very strong. Thus a study ofCarboniferous
我厂目前使用的 B665牛头铇床没有垂直走刀自动给进机构。加工垂直面、斜面时均需操作者手动进给。如图(图见第28页)进行改革后,按图上所注明的另件,参照下列说明,便可借助