2009–2011年间,在对新疆塔里木盆地进行白粉菌物种多样性调查时,发现荒漠固沙植物河西菊Hexinia polydichotoma白粉病大发生,导致植株大面积死亡。通过对病原菌形态学特征观察和rDNA-ITS序列分析,证明引发新疆塔里木盆地河西菊白粉病大发生的病原菌为野莴苣内丝白粉菌Leveillula lactucae-serriolae,为中国新记录种,河西菊为新寄主。
During 2009-2011, when investigating the species diversity of powdery mildew in the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang, it was found that the desert solidified plant Hexinia polydichotoma caused large occurrence of powdery mildew, resulting in large-scale plant death. Morphological characteristics of pathogenic bacteria and rDNA-ITS sequence analysis proved that the pathogen causing large-scale occurrence of powdery mildew in Hexi Corridor in Tarim Basin of Xinjiang was Leveillula lactucae-serriolae, a new recorded species in China, .