15 h耐力赛是对赛车的终极考验,赛车始终处于极限运动状态,与单纯追求速度的F1相比,勒芒耐力赛更注重速度与耐力的结合,从而对赛车的动力性、可靠性能提出了更高的要求。11月3日上午,2013(第5届)福田奥铃中国勒芒轻卡耐力赛全国总决赛在上海天马赛车场正式拉开终极对决的大幕。来自全国各大赛区的8支队伍经过15 h“换人不换车”的激烈角逐,最终吉林队以单圈1 min42 s 825的优异成绩最终获得全国总决赛冠军。
15h Endurance race is the ultimate test of the car, the car is always in extreme sports, and the pursuit of speed F1 compared to the Le Mans endurance pay more attention to the combination of speed and endurance, so the car’s power, reliability put forward higher requirement. On the morning of November 3, 2013 (5th) Futian Aoling China Le Mans Light Truck Endurance Race officially opened the final show in Shanghai Tianma Circuit. After 8 teams from all major competitions in China competed for 15 hours, the Jilin team eventually won the national finals with a single lap time of 1 min 42 s 825.