本次调查对象为劳动和社会保障部、民政部、司法部、财政部、国土资源部、建设部等20家国务院部委及其直属局的信息部门主管。调查统计显示,明年以上部委局的信息化总投资至少有90亿元,电子政务建设仍将蓬勃推进。一、85%被采访者表示:“明年会更加重视信息化,而且形势乐观。”(见图1) 劳动和社会保障部: 即将正式开始的金保工程重点要做好两件事:一是建设城市社保网,包
The survey was conducted by Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land and Resources, Ministry of Construction and other 20 State Council ministries and commissions directly under the Information Department heads. Survey statistics show that next year, the ministries and commissions of the total investment of at least 90 billion yuan of information, e-government construction will continue to flourish. First, 85% of respondents said: “Next year will be more emphasis on information technology, but the situation is optimistic.” (See Figure 1) Ministry of Labor and Social Security: The upcoming Jinbao project focus should do two things: First, construction City social insurance network, package