
来源 :湖北林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuehan3269
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为了充分利用森林鸟类资源,“以鸟治虫”,是目前正在研究和利用的综合防治方法之一。森林鸟类,特别在繁雏期间能消灭大量的害虫,如大山雀、啄木鸟、灰喜鹊、麻雀等,喜欢在树洞、石头缝等处营巢,这些鸟类都可以进行招引。在人工林内设制招引鸟箱和保护益 In order to make full use of forest bird resources, “bird worm control” is one of the integrated prevention and control methods currently under study and utilization. Forest birds, especially large chicks, such as big tits, woodpeckers, gray magpies, sparrows, etc., can be exterminated during the breeding season. They like to nest in tree holes and stone seams, and these birds can be attracted. In the plantation system to attract bird boxes and protection benefits