美剧《生活大爆炸》中的物理学家谢尔顿再自负,也不得不承认:“爱因斯坦比我聪明。”事实上,已经有人比爱因斯坦还要聪明,而且他只有12岁。雅各布·巴内特(Jacob Barnett)喜欢坐在起居室的一角,在一块白板和落地窗前涂涂画画——那些涂画并不是一个12岁男孩的幻想,而是围绕现代物理学中许多难题的演算。记者、著名物理学教授蜂拥而至,人们沉浸在发现天才的狂喜中,但雅各布从不理会这些用复杂眼神盯着他
Sheldon, a physicist in the American drama “The Big Bang,” has to concede again: “Einstein is smarter than I.” In fact, there are already people smarter than Einstein, and he’s only 12 year old. Jacob Barnett likes to sit in the corner of the living room and paint on a white board and floor-to-ceiling windows - paintings that are not a fantasy of a 12-year-old boy but a centerpiece of modern physics Many difficult calculations. Journalists, famous professors of physics flocked to the crowd immersed in the discovery of genius ecstasy, but Jacob ignored these with complicated eyes staring at him