Effects of Some Management Practices on Electron Transport System (ETS) Activity in Paddy Soil

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Electron transport system (ETS ) / dehydrogenase activity in a paddy field soil was measured under a variety of incubation conditions using the reduction of 2- (p-iodophenyl- 3- (p-nitrophenyl ) -5- phellyl tetrazolium chloride (INT) to iodonitrotetrazolium formazan (INTF). The results exhibited a high positive correlation between the ETS activity and the incubation temperature and soil moisture. Dehydrogenase/ETS activity displayed a negative correlation with insecticide concentrations, and the activity affected adversely as the concentration of the insecticide increased. The higher doses, 5 and 10 field rates (1 field rate ~ 1500 mL ha-1), of insecticide significantly inhibited ETS activity, while lower rates failed to produce any significant reducing effect. Inorganic N (as urea) of concentrations from 0 to 100 ug N g-1 soil showed a positive response to ETS activity. However, at concentrations of 200 and 400 ug N g-1, the activity was reduced significantly. Electron transport system (ETS) / dehydrogenase activity in a paddy field soil was measured under a variety of incubation conditions using the reduction of 2- (p-iodophenyl- 3- (p-nitrophenyl) -5- phellyl tetrazolium chloride The results exhibited a high positive correlation between the ETS activity and the incubation temperature and soil moisture. Dehydrogenase / ETS activity displayed a negative correlation with insecticide concentrations, and the activity affected adversely as the concentration of the insecticide increased. The higher doses, 5 and 10 field rates (1 field rate ~ 1500 mL ha-1), of insecticide significantly inhibited ETS activity, while lower rates failed to produce any significant reducing effect. Inorganic N (as urea) of concentrations from 0 to However, at concentrations of 200 and 400 μg N g-1, the activity was reduced significantly.
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