(一) 《邓小平文选》第三卷,收入了邓小平同志1982年9月—1992年2月十年间的重要著作119篇,其内容主要是从各个不同的方面,论述“怎样建设有中国特色的社会主义”的问题。对该书我如饥似渴地通读了一遍,其中一些重要文章还反复读了多次,写了近七万字的笔记和心得。根据我个人学习的体会,深深认识到,要在我国建成有中国特色的社会主义,确是一项庞大、复杂、系统而艰巨的工程,涉及的方面很广,要抓的工作很多。但当前最重要、最根本、最紧迫的一项工作,就是要认真切实地抓好惩治腐败,加强党的建设。因为中国共产党是中国社会主义事业的领导核心。不惩治腐败,不搞好党的建设,建设有中国特色的社会主义,就缺乏正确坚强的领导力量和切实可靠的组织保证。因此邓小平同志在1989年6月16日,关于《第三代领导集体的当务之急》一文中,严肃地提出了当前必须“做好几件使人民满意的事情。主要是两个方面:一个是更大胆地改革开放;另一个是惩治腐败。”他说:“对我们来说,要整好我们的党,实现我们的战略目标,不惩治腐败,特别是党内的高层的腐败现象,确实有失败的危险。新的领导集体首先要抓这个问题,这也是整党的一个重要内容。你这里艰苦创业,他那里贪污腐败,怎么行?惩治腐败的问题,请你们议一下。”最后在该文的?
(I) The Third Volume of Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, which contains 119 important works of Comrade Deng Xiaoping from September 1982 to February 1992, mainly covers various aspects of how to build “ Socialism ”issue. I read the book eagerly read again, some of the important articles have repeatedly read many times, wrote nearly 70,000 words notes and experiences. Based on my personal learning experience, I deeply realized that to build socialism with Chinese characteristics in our country is indeed a huge, complex, systematic and arduous project involving a wide range of tasks and a lot of work to be done. However, the most important and fundamental task at present is to seriously and properly punish corruption and strengthen party building. Because the Chinese Communist Party is the leading core of China’s socialist cause. Without punishing corruption, failing to do a good job in building the party and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, it lacks the correct and strong leadership and a pragmatic guarantee of organization. Therefore, on June 16, 1989, Comrade Deng Xiaoping solemnly proposed in his article entitled “the urgent task of the third generation of the leading collectives” that “we must do a few things to satisfy the people, mainly in two aspects: one is more bold Reform and opening up; the other is to punish corruption. ”He said:“ For us, it is indeed a failure for us to rectify our party, achieve our strategic goals, and not punish corruption, especially the high-level corruption in our party. The new leadership must first grasp this issue, which is also an important part of party consolidation.You work hard here, where he is embezzling corruption, how to do it, and punish the issue of corruption, may you discuss it. ”Finally, in the article of?