根据边界润滑中的“滚珠”模型,将聚合物形微粒(PMB)作为新型的润滑添加剂引入到水基润滑中.扫描电镜测度表明PMB在水基液中为均匀分散的微米球形微粒.四球机测试结果显示PMB加入选定的两种水基液中,水基液的极压抗磨性能都得到较大的幅度的提高,PMB在水基液中的含量有最佳浓度范围存在.结合PMB的特殊特征,推测PMB润滑机理中有微观的滚动和成膜.“,”Polymer micro - ball (PMB) was introduced into water based lubrication as a new type additive based on the roll ball model. It is found that PMB are spherical particles in μm scale by SEM. Four ball tests show that PMB can greatly improve the basic Quids extreme pressure and anti - wear performances. Furthermore, It is also found that there exists a optimum PMB content scope. Micro - roll and filming are supposed to explain PMB s lubrication mecanism.