Reasons to Learn English 学习英语的原因

来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hisandy
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  景一 编译
  Learning English Is Fun
  We should say it in a different way: Learning English can be fun. For many students, it isn’t much fun. However, we think that’s just a problem of how you learn English. Take time to have fun learning English by listening to music, watching a movie, challenging yourself to games in English. There are so many opportunities to learn English while having fun.
  English Is the World Language
  OK, OK, this is an obvious1 point we’ve already made. More people speak Chinese, but English is still the language of choice throughout the world today. English opens up international communications. We all know the world needs more love and understanding. What better way is there to improve the world than to communicate in English(or other languages) with those from other cultures? Chances are that someone will speak English no matter where you are. Learning English will allow you to communicate in any situation.
  English Will Help You Understand Those Crazy Americans and Brits2
  Yes, American and British cultures are rather strange at times. Speaking English will certainly help you understand why these cultures are so strange!Just think, you will understand English cultures, but they probably won’t understand yours because they don’t speak the language. That’s a real advantage in so many ways.
  Learning English Will Help Open Your Mind
  We believe that we are all brought up to see the world in one way. But at a certain point, we need to expand3 our horizons4. Learning English will help you understand the world through a different language. Understanding the world through a different language will also help you view the world from a different perspective5. In other words, learning English helps to open your mind.
  English Will Help You Succeed in Your Career
  This is obvious to anyone who lives in our modern world. Employers want employees who can speak English. This might not be fair, but it is the reality. Learning English well might help you get the job you need.
  Learning English Will Keep Alzheimer’s6 Away
  Scientific research says that using your mind to learn something helps keep your memory intact7. Alzheimer’s—and other diseases dealing with brain functions—isn’t nearly as powerful if you’ve kept your brain flexible8 by learning English.
Behaving well is the secret of getting on very well with others.  As a student, we should not be late for school. We should not tell lies or say rude words. We are supposed to help others and be polit
摘 要 本文通过分析原有铁路自备平板车支架的类型和局限性,根据铁路平板车的运输需求和结构特点,设计了一种新型卷板、平板等多种钢材通用型自备平板车支架,并对其方案及特点进行了阐述。它的改造,不仅能提高铁路自备平板车运输的周转效率,调节作业车辆重空比例,缓解作业场地紧张的状况;减少了采购铁路自备平板车的成本费用;同时能够增加多条机组产线钢材交替倒运,提高车辆周转效率;充分满足了公司对铁路自备平板车质量
An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.   —Author Unknown  空燈笼不亮。照顾好自己能让你闪耀光芒。  ——无名氏  “Pick up the pace!” coaxed1 my husband.  “But I can’t
注 解  1. sentimental adj. 感伤 的;感情脆弱的  2. ridicule n. 嘲笑;笑柄;愚弄  3. hazard n. 危险;冒险;冒险的事  4. certitude n. 确信;确实  5. forfeit v. (因犯罪、失职、违约等)丧失(权利、名誉、生命等)  To laugh is to risk appearing a fool;  To w
摘 要 结合现阶段小学德育教育课教学体系来分析,研究工作的开展将重点结合社会主义核心价值观在小学德育教学工作开展中的应用方法与应用策略,并且会融合当前的教学问题提出全新的看法和策略,为后续教学工作提供保障与支撑。  关键词 小学德育 社会主义核心价值观 教学实践  结合现阶段小学德育教育存在的问题,主要可以分为以下三个要点:第一是教师如何将社会主义核心价值观作为小学德育教育的内驱动力来应用,让学生
My favourite TV programme is Animal World hosted by famous anchor Zhao Zhongxiang, which brings us happiness and knowledge.  Through the programme I have learned a lot of things I didn’t know before,
【新起点英语热身演练(一)】  一、选择填空  1~5 DABBB 6~10 BBBDD  11~15 CBDBA  二、完形填空  16~20 DABAB 21~25 CCBDA  26~30 DDABC  三、阅读理解  31~35 BBDAB 36~40 BCADD  41~45 ABDDC  四、词与短语选择填空  46. available 47. refuse 48. stay u
本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch),英国著名演员。2010年,他在BBC迷你剧《神探夏洛克》中完美出演夏洛克·福尔摩斯一角,获得巨大成功,人气飙升,并获得当年多项大奖,剧中服装造型风靡英国。随后,他受邀参演多部电影,出席金球奖及奥斯卡颁奖典礼,并接受《GQ》和《名利场》等多家杂志专访,星途灿烂。  姓名:本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)
猿  那年春天,在云南,一座小县城里,他见到过一只猿。为了谋生糊口,他跟着几个人来这里,劝说一位企业家给他们投资拍电影,企业家好吃好喝地招待,但就是不松口。这几个人反正也吃了上顿没下顿,干脆便乐不思蜀,成天在小旅馆里睡到黄昏,天黑之前,再赶到企业家的庄园里去喝酒,他们来的时候,花都还没怎么开,倏忽之间,不管走到哪里,梨花、樱花、海棠花的花瓣已经落得人满身都是了。  小旅馆所在的巷子走到尽头,再往西
I am a middle school student and my school life is colourful.  As a student, I know I should try my best to study hard and make progress every day. So I listen to my teachers carefully in class and af