一、建坝情况 清水河县位于内蒙古自治区中南部,西靠黄河,南倚长城,地处黄土丘陵沟壑区,山峦重叠,沟壑纵横,土地瘠薄,植被稀疏。地质构成大部为石灰岩基岩,裂隙发育,地下水位低,年平均降雨量380~400毫米,其中80%以上集中于7~9月份,水土流失严重,侵独模数高达1.1万吨/平方公里,每年约有两千万吨泥沙输入黄河。严重的水土流失,使自然条件日趋恶化,
First, the dam situation Qingshuihe County is located in the south-central Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, west of the Yellow River, the South on the Great Wall, is located in loess hilly and ravine, overlapping mountains, ravines aspect, barren land, sparse vegetation. Most of the geological formation is limestone bedrock with developed fissures and low groundwater level. The average annual rainfall is 380-400 mm, of which over 80% is concentrated in July-September. The soil erosion is serious with the invasion modulus of up to 11,000 tons / square Km, each year about 20 million tons of sediment into the Yellow River. Serious soil erosion, the natural conditions deteriorating day by day,