已故全国政协副主席,九三学社中央名誉主席,著名桥梁专家茅以升先生,曾以其在钱塘江上架设了中国人自己设计和建造的第一座公铁两用现代化大桥的光辉业绩而蜚声中外。但是许多人或许还 不了解,茅以升先生曾经运用他的智慧和影响,为上海的解放建立了功勋。 1949年春季,人民解放军在胜利解放南京之后以排山倒海之势直逼上海。对国民党反动派的黑暗统治早已厌恶之至的茅以升先生内心为之欣喜不已。一天,他在报上的头条新闻中忽然看到了这样一
The late CPPCC National Committee Vice Chairman, Central Committee Chairman of the Society of Jiu San Society, a well-known bridge expert Mao Yisheng, renowned for its glorious achievements in the Qiantang River built the first modern bridge designed by the Chinese themselves and built . But many people may not yet understand that Mao Yisheng once used his wisdom and influence to establish a meritorious service for the liberation of Shanghai. In the spring of 1949, after the victory of the People’s Liberation Army in liberating Nanjing, the People’s Liberation Army came to an end almost like Shanghai. Mao Yisheng, who had long been disgusted with the dark rule of the Kuomintang reactionaries, was very much in his heart. One day, he suddenly saw this in the headlines of the newspaper