这真是些了不起的农民。不是吗,他们在自已有限的承包地里,一改过去传统的经营方式,用现代科学的观念、技术和方法武装自己的头脑和事业,取得了十分可观的经济效益。 只要来到这些技术能手中间,就不难发现:思想解放、勇于实践、善于经营、勤于钻研,是他们共同的致富法宝。发展农业一靠政策,二靠科学技术。人们从这些技术能手身上,看到了科学技术的力量。
This is really a great peasant. No, they have made remarkable economic benefits by changing their traditional mode of operation in their limited contracted land and using their modern scientific concepts, technologies and methods to arm their minds and their careers. As long as these technical experts come to the middle, it is not hard to find: liberation of ideas, bravery in practice, good at management, diligent in studying, is their common magic weapon. Development of agriculture rely on one policy, the second rely on science and technology. People from these technical experts who see the power of science and technology.